Coaches & Managers

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2025! 

Thanks so much to all our 2024 coaches and your support last year – it was most appreciated. There are some exciting things happening all with a view of enhance our Coaching Culture and our learning for the benefit of our players! What do we need from you?

  • Your nomination to Coach. You can nominate via an electronic form via this link

It is easy you just complete and press submit.

We would like to receive your nomination by close of business (5pm) on Friday the 7th of February.

This is so we can allocate teams well in advance and ensure all teams have a coach for Day 1 of competition. We are happy to answer any questions you may have via email


Your 2025 Coaching Coordinator

Kim Smith

Congratulations to all the Managers who assisted their teams through a difficult 2024 season. If you would like to manage a team in our 2025 Winter competition please complete the below EOI.

If you are new to the club or wish to volunteer your time detailed below are some of the duties that are required.

  • Managers are the liaison between members of their allocated team and the Executive Committee.
  • They Attend all team training sessions or nominate an alternate adult to attend these sessions. Be responsible for the team members and ensure their co-operation with the Coach.
  • Notify the Executive Committee of questionable behaviour of team supporters.
  • Collect the scoresheet for each competitive match (when listed first in the fixture book during the first round and second in the fixture book during the second round) and be present at the specified court twenty (20) minutes prior to commencement of each match.
  • Ensure only registered players take the court. If a substitute is used, then their name should be printed on the front of the score sheet in the space provided before they take the court. When a player plays in a higher grade, the team they are registered in should be indicated on the score sheet beside their name.
  • Sight the opposing team photographs prior to their players taking the court.
  • Be responsible for returning to the Equipment Officer, in good order and condition, all Club property in possession of the team within fourteen (14) days of the completion of the competition.
  • At all times encourage and promote good sportsmanship between team members, their parents and supporters and with other netball teams as well as with Club Officials and members.

Teams shall play with no less than five (5) players registered in that team on the court at any time. A fine of $50.00 for juniors and intermediates and $100.00 for seniors may be imposed for teams forfeiting on the day of play. This is payable to SSNA. If a team forfeits on more than three occasions, this team will receive an automatic fine of $250.00 and the team will be withdrawn from the competition. Extenuating circumstances may be considered. This is payable to SSNA. At the discretion of the SSNA executive, a fine of $400.00 will be imposed on teams who withdraw from the competition throughout the season. ALL FORFEITS NEED TO BE EMAILED TO THE SSNA BY 3PM ON THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE DAY OF PLAY. In addition please EMAIL ALL SHARKS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND OPPOSING TEAM/CLUB BY 3PM FRIDAY. Unfortunately, this is the managers responsibility and not the clubs. The club WILL NOT pay any forfeit fees, this is the responsibility of the team.

The executive take all complaints seriously and will address them to the best of our ability. If the complaint is about a Sharks player/team, these will be dealt with seriously. All complaints must be in writing by either letter or email to our President and Secretary. Please see our “Admin – Policies” section for further information regarding the correct complaints handling procedure. Please remember at the end of the day this is a game of netball. We ask you to applaud good performance and efforts by all players. When watching a game congratulate both teams upon their performance regardless of the game’s outcome. Respect the umpires’ and coaches decisions. If there is a disagreement, follow the appropriate procedure in order to question the decision and teach children to do likewise. Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake during a competition. Positive comments are motivational. Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul language, and not harrassing administrators, coaches, players or umpires.

You can only borrow from this club and the players must be in a lower division from your team. At the start of the season you will have a contact list of all coaches and managers.

NOTE: If the borrowed player is only playing for you then they do not need to attend ground control. The borrowed player’s name must be written on the scoresheet with the team and “only game” recorded beside her name. Failure to do so will incur a loss of two (2) points. If the borrowed player is playing 2 matches that day (for their own team and then your team, they need to sign on before the match at ground control). They will need their photo ID card. The 2nd game player can only play if the team who has borrowed her has less than seven (7) players. You can only borrow the same player twice. On the third time they will be allocated to join your team. Once finals series starts – you are unable to borrow, even if you are short.


U10's to Seniors

99-105 Bellingara Rd,
Miranda NSW 2228