
All junior teams from 8’s to 18’s are provided with an umpire from the club and their fee has been included in the registration fee. They are paid on the following basis:

All senior teams are required to organise and pay their own umpire. We recommend that seniors pay their umpire’s an amount of $30

If senior teams need assistance to organise an umpire for their game then they must contact our Umpires Convenor by email at

If a junior or senior team wishes to enter a carnival or Gala day they will need to find and pay for their own umpire.



Netball NSW is running a National C Development Camp and registrations are now open. The National C Camp is a one day professional development session for National C Umpires. See link below for more information.

Seniors Umpires

Shall be responsible for umpiring matches as allocated by the Umpires’ Convenor or supply own umpire.

If unable to umpire any allocated match the umpire shall make every effort to find a suitable replacement.

Any umpire failing to officiate on the allocated match shall

  • A: Incur a penalty as determined by the Executive
  • B: Pay also any SSNA Inc., fine that is incurred
  • C: Be ineligible to play in any competition match until fines are paid

Juniors Umpires

Junior players set down to umpire who fail to umpire any game allocated without prior arrangements made with the Umpires’ Convenor, can be suspended from playing in the next competition match.

Each case to be considered on its own merits.

Approaching an Umpire

A coach, manager or parent are not allowed to approach the umpires to seek clarification of a rule. Only the captain has the right to approach the umpires during an interval for clarification of any rule. Any player/s for whom the clarification is relevant may accompany the captain. In the event that the captain is not on the court, an on-court captain will be appointed and they can approach the umpires.

If you are concerned about the quality of umpiring or the control of the game, you can ask your manager to go to control and ask the SSNA Umpires to come and watch the game. If it is required, the SSNA Umpires will provide support/feedback to the umpire/s.

We are always open to receiving feedback on our umpires. If you wish to contact the club, please email


If you are unhappy with the performance of an umpire you can contact the umpire coordinator via email, or contact a member of the Sharks Executive. Any complaints or issues will be raised at the next executive meeting.


U10's to Seniors

99-105 Bellingara Rd,
Miranda NSW 2228